Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ally's Late Night!

Ally's friend, Brielle, invited her and a few other girls over for a late night. How adorable! They painted toe nails, drew princess pictures, and ate fun snacks. Afterwards, one of the girls, Iris, came home with us and spent the night at our house. I HAD to post these videos of the two of them dancing! How hilarious! I wonder what kind of dancing she sees her mommy doing when no one is around! Hahahaha!


LCFrohm said...

Okay I was about to pee my pants if the girl who I figured out was Iris, was actually Allie. I was like "She's so friggin' tall!"
I miss ya'll terribly! Wish ya'll were closer. Wanna come to Sea World?
We've got an OB appt tomorrow. Maybe ultrasound. But I'm only 16 weeks. We'll see!
Love ya!

Don- Ash -Carter -Levi said...

HaHa how cute! Reminds me of my class on Sundays hehe Love those girls!

Lindsey Rose said...

I know you and John sit around dancing at night don't you! Love it!